The Government of Sindh has partnered with NOWPDP to carry the mandate of disability inclusion into the very heartlands of Sindh. NOWPDP set up its Center of Excellence for Disability Inclusion (CEDI) in Sujawal as a flagship project in collaboration with the government of Sindh. With their cooperation, we are expanding the ecosystem of inclusion across Sindh.
In collaboration with Government of Sindh (GoS) and Department of Empowerment for Persons with Disabilities (DEPD), NOWPDP has established, Moriro Markaz, a Center of Excellence for Disability Inclusion (CEDI), in Sujawal which is one of the poorest districts of Sindh. Through Moriro Markaz, 600+ persons with disabilities were reached in the first year. The center serves PWDs in Sujawal through all 7 pillars of NOWPDP - Shanakht, Falah, Taleem, Hunar, Rozgar, Khudmukhtari and Rehnumai. The CEDI is a partnership based model implemented in close collaboration with NOWPDP’s disability specific partners including FESF, Special Olympics, IPM&R.
British Asian Trust (BAT)
NOWPDP and British Asian Trust have joined hands to drive women’s economic empowerment in Pakistan and to address the environmental and attitudinal barriers faced by women with disabilities that limit their active participation in society, under the banner of the Saheli Project.
K-Electric, a champion of corporate social responsibility, supports urban development, human welfare, and environmental stewardship. As the proud winner of the KE Karachi Awards 2024 for our efforts in ensuring the financial inclusion of persons with disabilities, NOWPDP is grateful to K-Electric for offering us electricity at a subsidized rate. This generous support acknowledges our work in promoting disability inclusion and economic empowerment. We deeply appreciate K-Electric's commitment to fostering a more inclusive society.
Roddenberry Foundation
The Roddenberry Foundation supported NOWPDP’s The Rickshaw Project. Over the duration of the project, persons with disabilities were shortlisted and trained in the vocational trade ‘Rickshaw driving and on-road skills’. Moreover, 8 trainees were further shortlisted to rent our retrofitted and handcontrolled rickshaws and become economically empowered. This project has not only spread awareness of mobility rights for persons with disabilities in Pakistan, it has also facilitated other persons with disabilities in need of accessible transport for other projects.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through its Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector Support Programme (TVETSSP) has enabled NOWPDP to train 150 persons with disabilities through its vocational training center during its 2 year long tenure in the trades of Computer Operator and Call Center. Since 2019, GIZ has supported NOWPDP in ensuring persons with disabilities are provided with economic empowerment through employment opportunities. To date 90 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have been successfully employed at various partner organizations through industrial collaborations.
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) through its Technical and Vocational Education and Training Sector Support Programme (TVETSSP) has enabled NOWPDP to train 150 persons with disabilities through its vocational training center during its 2 year long tenure in the trades of Computer Operator and Call Center. Since 2019, GIZ has supported NOWPDP in ensuring persons with disabilities are provided with economic empowerment through employment opportunities. To date 90 Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) have been successfully employed at various partner organizations through industrial collaborations.
Mitsubishi Corporations
With the support of Mitsubishi, NOWPDP aimed to support persons with disabilities in Karachi through the provision of skill based training. Over the duration of the project, 100 persons with disabilities were trained in the vocational trades of Computer Operator and Graphic Design. Through this project, 50% of the trained persons with disabilities were successfully employed at various organizations.
Philip Morris International
With Phillip Morris International (PMI), NOWPDP began a project to address civic issues of littering, waste management and plastic and cloth recycling, while simultaneously aiming to create employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. The recycling facility aims to ensure responsible waste management by collecting, storing and processing plastic and cloth. Furthermore, through this project, NOWPDP procured three bike Loaders for waste collection and established an inclusive all-purpose facility that is to employ persons with disabilities to collect waste and process it to make daily usage products with recycled cloth.