
NOWPDP Alumnus

A friend of mine saw NOWPDP’s video on Facebook, and he encouraged me to apply for the graphic designing class. It’s only been two days since I joined, but I am so excited to learn more about it. I previously did my Inter, but now I’m looking forward to learning this new skill and applying it in real life. I want to work in an office environment and use my skills to become a graphic designer.

My life has been great so far and it’s even better now due to platforms such as NOWPDP that are now in existence. Previously, it was very hard for deaf people or people with disabilities to communicate, study, get trades, and learn new skills. But with such great initiatives and with the passing of time, things are starting to get better for us all. Now, I am proud to realize and say that being deaf doesn’t mean you’re disabled. I am not disabled, and I can communicate with others in my own language.

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